Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Blog

Five Families Celebrate Homeownership

Written by Anna Skemp | 6:45 PM on August 30, 2018

On Monday, August 27, Twin Cities Habitat celebrated five families who purchased homes on the open market through Habitat's Homeownership Program. The families gathered to share their stories with each other and Habitat staff. 

Everyone's journey to homeownership was different and unique, but there was one overarching theme with all the families: find better, safer housing for the children. All five families had young kids and shared their stories of sacrifice they made for their children. 

One couple knew they needed more space for their two young kids to play outside, "We lived in a one-bedroom apartment where it wasn't safe and it was hard to find a house. Now we live in a four-bedroom house in Blaine where our neighbors are friendly and the environment is safe." And now, they have a yard where the kids can play. 

Another family shared that before they bought their Habitat home, the parents chose to sleep in the living room every night so their two toddlers could have their own rooms. It is stories like this that make the celebrations so incredibly special. The perseverance of every parent in the room was astounding. 

Habitat's Homeownership Program has expanded since the start of our Impact 2020 Strategic Plan: partner with 500 households on achieving homeownership through Habitat. Homeowner Noor was happy to partner with Habitat, "Habitat gave us the extra push we needed. We will continue to work with Habitat and want to make sure the opportunity that was available to us is available to others."  When you choose to partner with Twin Cities Habitat, we will support you throughout your homeownership journey. 

We wish all the best to the new homeowners!