Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity Blog

The Builder's Circle: How to Get Involved and Build Your Community

Written by Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity | 3:47 PM on November 7, 2019

Building a teenager’s first bedroom that she has all to herself. Fixing critical damage on an elderly woman’s home to make it safe. Making repairs to a home for a single mom and her children. 

These are just a few examples of how your gifts to Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity improve lives and build a stronger community. When you give generously to Twin Cities Habitat, you boost health, quality of life, and economic prosperity for local families.

A Strong Foundation

Our mission is to eliminate poverty housing in the Twin Cities and to make decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience. We believe homes and families are the foundation of successful communities. Every gift to Habitat strengthens that foundation so we can work diligently to produce, preserve, and advocate for affordable homeownership for local families. About one-third of our donations come from individuals who believe deeply in our mission and commit $1,000 or more to build strength and stability in our community. Those dedicated individuals make up our Builder's Circle.

The Builder’s Circle

The Builder’s Circle is a leadership giving society for those who donate $1,000 or more each year. Our Builder’s Circle members play an essential role in keeping our foundation of giving strong. They also receive exclusive member benefits to stay connected and informed of the great work their donations are doing.

Builder's Circle members receive:

  • Invitations to exclusive Builder's Circle events
  • Recognition in our Annual Report
  • A special welcome gift from Habitat

Your Donation Dollars Go Far

A Builder’s Circle contribution creates an immediate and significant impact for local families and communities. While Habitat is most notably known for building new homes with our large network of volunteers, your donations do even more good. You help fund affordable mortgages for qualified first-time homebuyers, you support advocacy for good public policy to make homes affordable and accessible, you invest in strong community partnerships to help revitalize neighborhoods, and help keep people in their homes through paint and repair projects and foreclosure counseling services. Twin Cities Habitat also operates two ReStore Home Improvement Outlets in the Twin Cities to generate revenue from donated home furnishings, furniture, and building supplies--making your gifts go even further.

None of this is possible without the generosity of donors like you. And you can rest assured that your donations will be used well. In fact, every $1 donated results in almost $2 of economic activity in our community.

Everyone Deserves a Safe Place to Call Home

Do you believe everyone deserves a safe place to call home? Please consider stepping up to the Builder’s Circle, building strong foundations in our community, and providing a safe place for people to call home.

Join the Builder’s Circle Today

Joining the Builder's Circle is easy. Choose from a one-time gift or a recurring donation and know you are directly impacting the life of a local family. Together, we can build great things.