Donating Items
Do you have items you'd like to donate? ReStore is a great place to start, but this guide will help you find where to donate your items if we are not able to take them.
Whether you give to ReStore or another organization in the Twin Cities, your generosity is important. Our community partners work hard to distribute items to people who need them, including our own Habitat homeowners.

Donation Guide & Community Partners
Our two ReStore locations accepts many home improvement items. Though we are grateful for every donation, we cannot take everything. If you're thinking about making a donation, our donation guidelines are a good place to start.
If you happen to have items we can't accept, consider donating to another organization in the metro area. Those donations may be tax-deductible, too, and they'll benefit your community. If ReStore is unable to accept your donation, here are some other options in the Twin Cities:
- Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity ReStore
- Arc's Value Village (small appliances)
- Better Futures MN
- Bridging
- Community Helping Hand (small appliances)
- Epilepsy Foundation of MN (small appliances)
- Furnish Office and Home
- Goodwill/Easter Seals (small appliances)
- Joseph's Coat (small appliances)
- Old School by Steeple People (small appliances)
- PROP Shop (small appliances)
- Repowered - formerly Tech Dump (small appliances)
- Salvation Army
- Shop for Change Thrift Store (small appliances)
- St. Vincent de Paul (small appliances)
Building Material
Children's Goods/Toys
- Arc's Value Village
- Community Helping Hand
- Disabled American Vets
- Epilepsy Foundation of MN
- FamilyWise Services (baby and toddler only)
- Goodwill/Easter Seals
- Harriet's Closet
- Hidden Treasures
- Hope Chest Retail Shop (women's clothing)
- Joseph's Coat (less than five years old)
- Old School by Steeple People
- PROP Shop
- Reach & Restore
- Ready for Success: Project for Pride in Living
- Salvation Army
- Shop for Change Thrift Store
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Tandem
- YouthLink
- Bridging (small electronics)
- Community Helping Hand (small electronics)
- Free Geek Twin Cities
- Furnish Office and Home
- Goodwill/Easter Seals (small electronics)
- Hidden Treasures
- PCs for People
- Repowered - formerly Tech Dump
- Salvation Army (small electronics)
- St. Vincent de Paul (small electronics)
- Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity ReStore
- Arc's Value Village
- Bridging
- Community Helping Hand
- Furnish Office and Home (office furniture)
- Goodwill/Easter Seals
- Hidden Treasures
- PROP Shop
- Reach & Restore
- Salvation Army
- Second Chance Recycling (mattresses and box springs)
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Arc's Value Village
- Community Helping Hand
- Disabled American Vets
- Epilepsy Foundation of MN
- Furnish Office and Home
- Goodwill/Easter Seals
- Hidden Treasures
- Hope Chest Retail Shop
- Joseph's Coat
- Old School by Steeple People
- PROP Shop
- Reach & Restore
- Salvation Army
- Shop for Change Thrift Store
- St. Vincent de Paul
Medical Equipment
- Community Helping Hand (handicap items)
- Mano a Mano International
Musical Instruments
- Arc's Value Village
- Keys 4/4 Kids (pianos only)
- Salvation Army
- St. Vincent de Paul (small musical instruments)
Nextdoor created private websites for neighbors to post items for sale or for free.
ReUse Minnesota is a nonprofit trade association that uses networking, publicity, and events to bring visibility to the reuse, repair, and rental sector. They offer directories of companies and organizations.
Seasonal Decorations
Sporting Goods
More Resources:
Take a look at these additional resources to learn more about donating: