Laura Grevas

Homelessness and Crime – Who are the Real Victims?
Imagine yourself reading an article stating that crime has increased this year in an area of Minneapolis where people experiencing homelessness have...
St. Andrew's volunteers help family buying a home in St. Paul
The last time we visited this site, volunteers from the St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Mahtomedi had just raised the first wall. Now, in their third...
Securian volunteers finish drywall work on St. Paul home
Friday was the day to finish up sheet rocking on this Edgerton street home. Since our last visit, volunteer crews have built a porch in front and a...

Ecolab volunteers are affordable housing advocates
New home construction on Burgess Street is moving along quickly as volunteer crews from Ecolab continue their eight-week sponsorship of this house....

Faith Builders completing work on St. Paul rehab
It’s week six of eight for the Case Avenue rehab in St. Paul, and the Faith Builders are taking a little break. They were waiting inside not because...

St. Andrew's Church raises wall on two-story St. Paul build
Volunteer crews from St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church raised the first wall Monday on a two-story, three-bedroom home on Jessamine Avenue. The St. Paul...

Habitat partner ESNDC named as finalist in statewide challenge
Exciting news! Our friends at the East Side Neighborhood Development Company (ESNDC) have been named as one of three finalists for a $100,00 award in...

Ecolab begins work on affordable housing project in St. Paul
Construction has just begun on this two-story, single family home with three bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms. Longtime Habitat supporter Ecolab...