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Garden Gate Update

Garden Gate Update

Woodbury is a fast-growing suburb of the Twin Cities. Twin Cities Habitat and Woodbury mayor Bill Hargis, are working together to create affordable housing options for the up-and-coming city. One project that Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity (TCHFH) has contributed to is the 116-unit development at Garden Gate.

After TCHFH purchased 10 pad-ready lots from Heritage Development, the site at Garden Gate was ready for construction. TCHFH built a 4-plex and a 6-plex. On September 9, 2006, the 10 homes were dedicated to the families.

The Garden Gate development includes single-family homes, condominiums and townhouses. The community is located near lakes, ponds and several walking trails, as well as schools, shopping and recreational areas.

Quick Facts:
Type of Housing: Multi-unit housing, one 6-plex and one 4-plex
Location: Eastern section of Woodbury
Families Served:10
Architect: DJR Architecture Inc. (Minneapolis)

August 2005: Groundbreaking
June 2006: 10 townhouses completed 
September 2006: Dedications

Construction Staff:
Field Supervisor: Andy Barnett

Special Builds:
For one week in October 2005, more than 150 Andersen volunteers framed the 4-unit and 6-unit townhomes. The five day Blitz Build was the largest project Andersen volunteers had ever tackled in one week.

Site History:
A board member for TCHFH connected the organization with the developer overseeing the construction of Garden Gate and the City of Woodbury. They were interested in creating a mixed-income component to the new community.

The 116-unit development will include 40 affordable units and 76 market rate units. The ten TCHFH townhouses were built to reflect the design of the rest of the Garden Gate community.

Fun Facts:
Woodbury has more Habitat housing than any other suburb in the metro area. To celebrate their 100th year in business, Andersen Corporation is working with Habitat for Humanity to build 100 homes over a five-year period. The 4-plex and 6-plex at Garden Gate are #33-42 of Andersen Corporation's 100 Years/100 Homes project. For one week in October 2005, more than 150 Andersen volunteers framed the 4-unit and 6-unit townhomes. The five day Blitz Build was the largest project Andersen volunteers had ever tackled in one week.

Sponsors & Partners:

Lead Development Sponsor:
Andersen Corporation

Community Partners:
City of Woodbury
Washington County HOME
SHOP (Self-help Homeownership Opportunity Program)

For more information about the organizations, click on the sponsor or partner name.

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