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A Successful Hard Hat & Black Tie Gala!

A Successful Hard Hat & Black Tie Gala!

Wow, we did it!

We are incredibly grateful to all those who came to Hard Hat & Black Tie Gala this past Saturday, April 8th. More than 850 people arrived in their construction couture at the St. Paul RiverCentre to celebrate. The evening was filled with positive energy, as we came together and supported Habitat's mission. 

All of us at Twin Cities Habitat have many people to thank for making this night so spectacular. To all the donors, sponsors, guests, volunteers and staff - thank you for believing in our mission and your continuous support in making our community a better place to live! This night would not have been possible without you. 

Thank you to Betty and her family for sharing their Habitat story with us. The powerful message of the importance of home and its generational impact resonated with us all. Click here to see Betty's story. 

With all the generous hearts that filled the ballroom, together we raised a record-breaking amount! This means that children, families, and members of our community have a chance to build a better future in an affordable home. THANK YOU!

Other fun things throughout the evening: Our photo booth was a big hit with many props available and one incredibly strong man! Here are just a few of our photo booth pictures!

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Special guest Amy Matthews hosted our first-ever red carpet interviews LIVE on Facebook! You can check out her live interviews with guests on our Facebook page. Thanks for all the fun, Amy!

Our auction items were a big hit this year! Here are just a few of the wonderful things guests could bid on: 

auction item kids toy auction item basket auction item purse
  • Shout out to the Art Institute International students for providing three AMAZING designs. The winning design (pictured on the left) was made by Abby Stockness. Congrats! 

Aii designs

  •   Our costume competition was tough this year with eight fantastic looks. BUT, the time, effort, and fabulousness of the outfit below took first place. Congrats to the winners Ashley Rose and Aaron Tuott! 
Costume winners

The night was full of friendly faces and caring hearts. Thank you to all who were involved. We hope to see you next year!

Save the Date: Saturday, April 7th at The Depot in Minneapolis!

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