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Help for homeowners behind on their mortgage

Interest-free, forgivable loans of up to $50,000 are available to homeowners who have fallen behind on their mortgage because of unemployment, under-employment or medical issues. The money is from the the new federal EHLP program (Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program). 

Homeowners must pre-apply for the program before 4:30pm on July 22, 2011

Eligible homeowners will then be entered into a lottery for these assistance loans. Get more info at www.ehlpminnesota.com or by calling 866-462-6466.

Twin Cities Habitat's Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program (MFPP) will work with the EHLP homeowners selected in Minneapolis. Find out what other assistance MFPP offers to Minneapolis homeowner falling behind on their mortgage by visiting this web pagewww.tchabitat.org/mfpp. You can reach an MFPP counselor by emailing mfpp@tchabitat.org or by calling 612-331-4090 ext. 3.

Foreclosures Leading to Homelessness, Homelessness to Violence

Foreclosures Leading to Homelessness, Homelessness to Violence

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Are you at risk of foreclosure?

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