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Costa Rica 2015 | Team #2

Costa Rica 2015 | Team #2

Guest Blog by Jon Slock, 
Global Village Team Member 

Greetings from Buenos Aires (Costa Rica)!  We all met up at the Marriott next to the San Jose International Airport last night, and then loaded the buses early this morning for the six-hour drive.  Half of us are at the Hotel Aires Del Sur and the other half at Habitaciones Rosita across the street.  These are simple, decent, affordable hotels. 


costaricabus-438750-editedWe’re tired, we’re hot, we’re sticky, and we’re hungry.  And, while I haven’t conducted an official survey of the 24 people in the group, everyone seems excited as heck to be here!  I know I am.  I live for this stuff!  If you haven’t gone on a Global Village (GV) trip yet, you need to join us! 

This is my third Global Village trip to Costa Rica.  It’s my fifth Global Village trip overall.  I have met at least two-thirds of this group on other GV trips or other Habitat activities back in the Twin Cities. 

HabitacionesRosita-609045-editedYet, it’s my first GV trip to Costa Rica with this group of 24 this March of 2015.  That’s important to remember.  You never cross the same river twice, nor do you take the same trip twice.  There’s no such thing as routine, especially when it comes to overseas volunteering.  We were reminded of that this past week as a volcano eruption closed the airport in San Jose for almost an entire day… there was a part of Thursday afternoon where we thought perhaps there won’t be a group arriving!  But, Mother Nature relented, and it all worked out. 

I am eager to make new friends on the trip.  For those I already know, I’m eager to work together and have our friendship(s) grow even deeper… well, most of them.  (Jokes!  I kid.)  I am eager to meet the homeowners and other members of the Buenos Aires community.  And, even though I know it’s quite a workout, I’m eager to dig some holes, move some cement panels, mix some cement, or do whatever else I’m asked of under the hot sun.  I love to give, but I always get back so much more on these Twin Cities Habitat Global Village trips.  It’s all familiar, but it’s all brand new.  Let’s get to it!

Learn More About Habitat's Global Village Program

Day 2, Team 2 in Costa Rica

Day 2, Team 2 in Costa Rica

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Costa Rica: Team 2, Day 7

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Team 2, Day 5 in Costa Rica

Team 2, Day 5 in Costa Rica

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