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Voting for Minnesota Idea Open has begun

Voting for Minnesota Idea Open has begun

Minnesota Idea Open logoUpdate: Two Days left to vote! Voting is easy – you can do it online, via text message, or at select in-person events.  Vote today and you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a new iPad3! To vote online or via text, go to www.MNIdeaOpen.org/challenge3

Your votes will help make three ideas a reality.
Join Minnesota Idea Open in deciding the three Challenge III Champions! We received more than 600 ideas in response to the question: What is your best idea to build bonds and work together across cultures and faiths in your community? The ideas have been narrowed to the top five finalists. Your votes will make three ideas a reality! Each winning idea will receive a $15,000 grant for implementation. Vote online for your favorite finalist May 15 – 25.

Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity is proud to have been an important partner in this initiative. Our special Building Together construction days focused on engaging volunteers from diverse backgrounds to build together – and served as the catalyst for 70 of the 600 ideas submitted.

Looking for more ways to build bonds and work together across cultures and faiths? On Thursday, May 17, the Idea Open and the YWCA of Minneapolis are offering a free facilitator training for entrants and friends of the Idea Open! Leading the conversation about race and racism in your community is difficult.  The YWCA’s facilitator program gives you the tools and opportunities you need to navigate through what are often challenging and emotional conversations to help bring people from understanding to action. Join us from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the YWCA of Minneapolis, 1130 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55403. RSVP by Tuesday, May 15, to apatel@ywcampls.org. In-person voting will also take place at this event.

The Idea Open Challenge III: Working Together Across Cultures and Faiths is made possible by the One Nation Foundation and three affiliates of Minnesota Philanthropy Partners: Minnesota Community Foundation, Facing Race and the Multicultural Endowment.

Read more about the partnership between Twin Cities Habitat and the Minnesota Idea Open.

MN Idea Open teaming up with Twin Cities Habitat

MN Idea Open teaming up with Twin Cities Habitat

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