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Blake MacKenzie

Blake MacKenzie's journey with Habitat began in 2013, and in that time he's worked as a Development Assistant Intern, Advocacy Intern, Development Associate, and is now the Communications Specialist. Prior to Habitat, he graduated from Concordia College in Moorhead with majors in English Writing and Biology and a minor in Chemistry, and worked as a Community Organizer. He's an avid reader, makes a good risotto, and enjoys the great outdoors.

A woman holding her young daughter, both smiling

The Moment I Decided to Live Life

“I’m going to find a place for my kids.” That’s what Carroll’s dad said whenever someone asked him why he was moving his family from Togo to the United States. To find a place for my kids. It was July 2004 when they moved into an apartment in...

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A group of people smiling for a photo in front of a banner that reads

Celebrating Hassan: 15 Years of Foreclosure Prevention

Who can you turn to for help when you’re facing one of the worst things imaginable—the foreclosure of your home? For thousands of people across the...

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A woman stands in the open doorway of her home

We Need a Constitutional Amendment for Housing

Everything starts at home. Your health. Your education. Your wealth-building. Your sense of support and stability. If you have a stable, affordable...

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Blake and Greg walking down the aisle at their wedding

Falling in Love at Habitat

We met at the All Staff Build. If you had to script a Habitat for Humanity meet-cute, casually meeting at the Habitat All Staff Build while moving...

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What We're Grateful For in 2022

It's wonderful to have traditions like Thanksgiving that ask us to slow down, reflect, and give thanks. This year, we're sharing notes of gratitude...

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A man holding a child. They both are smiling. Text says Give to the Max November 17, 2022

Special Opportunity for Give to the Max

It’s time for Give to the Max, Minnesota’s great give-together! On November 17, 2022, generous donors like you all across Minnesota will give to...

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Habitat for Humanity fourplex house

Habitat's AmeriCorps Fourplex Turned into Housing for LGBTQ+ Youth

In the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis stands an unassuming blue three-story building that is beloved by hundreds of former Twin Cities Habitat...

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Hard Hat & Black Tie Gala attendees posing with props

Hard Hat & Black Tie FAQs

Are you ready for Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity's first in-person Gala in two years?! Our Hard Hat & Black Tie Gala is coming up on Saturday,...

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We're so glad to see an organization we trust was doing something for Ukraine

Twin Cities Habitat Supports Ukrainian Refugees

On Thursday, March 10, we put a call out to support Habitat's emergency Ukraine response. In less than five days, donors rallied together to raise...

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Kathleen and Kyle with confetti at their wedding.

From volunteers to newlyweds: a Habitat love story

This blog was originally published in 2018. We're re-sharing it for Valentine's Day with an update from Kathleen and Kyle. Read to the end to see how...

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