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2 min read

Carpenter's Club: A Win/Win/Win

Carpenter's Club: A Win/Win/Win

Guest Blog by Blake MacKenzie, 
Twin Cities Habitat Staff 

Members of the Carpenter’s Club – those who give recurring monthly donations to Twin Cities Habitat – lay the foundation for a brighter future. Their sustaining gifts allow us to plan ahead, knowing we’ll have continuous support in the coming months. They help us save on solicitation materials and postage, because there’s no need to ask of those who give recurring gifts. And, Carpenter’s Club members can plan exactly how their giving will fit into their monthly budgets.

It’s a win for Carpenter’s Club members, it’s a win for Twin Cities Habitat, and it’s a big win for the families who partner with us to make home happen.

There are many excellent reasons to start a monthly recurring gift, from the ease of online giving to a passion for Habitat’s mission. But instead of hearing it from me, I’d like to share some inspiring stories of support from three of our long-time Carpenter’s Club members.

Bob Grones photo-918711-edited.jpgBob:
I live downtown so I see homeless people and the effects of homelessness every day. Experts advise that we not give to panhandlers, but it’s not easy to just walk by either. Setting up my recurring monthly donation to Habitat for Humanity was my way of giving something to help the homeless, but in a way where I know the money is put to positive use. That somehow makes it not as tough to walk by.

Sally and Frank:
Frank and I remain long term sustaining donors because we believe that supporting affordable housing for all people is one of the most important ways we keep our community a just and safe place for all to live in. Minnesota is a great place to live, but winters are harsh without good housing. Better housing means stable families, better school success and great starts for our community's children. We also take pride in the fact that Habitat has the new homeowners involved in building their new homes. What better way to ensure others success than a hand up? We value the work that Habitat does in our community and will continue to support that ongoing work.

I love Habitat for Humanity, because it is doing so much to address our great need for affordable housing while giving the recipients the dignity of working on their own homes and also helping others at the same time. I like that HFH helps those recipients to learn how to take care of their homes after they get them. And I love working with the people who do Habitat, because they are loving, patient, and passionate about the work they are doing. It is one of the most effective philanthropies I know, and it’s an honor to be involved. Keep up the good work!

We’re so grateful for the dozens of people like Mary, Sally, Frank, and Bob who put their passion for their neighbors and communities into action with sustaining support. If their stories inspire you to become a member of the Carpenter’s Club today, here’s one more inspiration: we still have about $10,000 left in a matching gift from a generous donor that will double all new Carpenter’s Club gifts for an entire year!

You can begin a recurring credit card gift by filling out the form on this page or by mailing in this form. And even relatively small gifts can make a huge difference—just $10 a month can cover all the resource books for 30 families, or all the nails used in an entire home!

Carpenter's Club

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