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Volunteer Appreciation Week | Regular Crews

Volunteer Appreciation Week | Regular Crews

HaroldOn Thursday, March 20th, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity hosted an event at our new office for the crew leaders of our Regular Crews. The guests were celebrated for their dedicated work, given a tour of the new building, and presented a construction road map on our future building plans. The highlight of the night was the sharing of numerous construction stories, which provided more than a few laughs. Groups represented at the event were Dakota Crew, AWBK Regulars, 3M Gives Retirees, St. Andrew’s Crew, Northwest Regulars, St. Paul Regulars, General Mills Alumni, and the North Central Crew.

TCHFH has about 20 Regular Crews and over 800 regular volunteers.  Some of our Regular Crews volunteer one day per month, while others commit two days per week.  Many of the Regular Crews  have been working with TCHFH since its founding, and have helped grow the affiliate to the size it is today.  Regular volunteers tackle all sorts of projects and help with the detail-oriented finish work that truly makes a new house shine.  Jake Kirchgessner, who has worked with numerous Regular Crews on his sites, had this to say about these volunteers:

“Without their dedication and hard work, we would not have the high quality homes we come to expect from our volunteer labor. Many of the regulars take special projects home and work on them several hours outside of their volunteering on site.  Little details like this are seldom recognized, but make the home beautiful.”

We are always looking for new regular volunteers to help build in the seven county area.  If you are interested in joining a Regular Crew, please visit http://blog.tchabitat.org/be-a-habitat-regular-out-on-site/

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Going Above & Beyond a Typical Volunteer Day

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