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1 min read

Builder's Circle Building Hope in Richfield

Builder's Circle Building Hope in Richfield

Throughout the week, members of Habitat's Builder's Circle have been tackling basement and floor prep work, wall-raising, framing and much more on a new Habitat home being built in Richfield.

Builders_Circle_Volunteers-903112-editedBuilder's Circle members are  individuals who invest $1,000 or more during the year to help build the foundation for a brighter future for families and transform communities, one home at a time. This dedicated group is leading the way with vital charitable revenue for home construction, community education and awareness, and program expansion. Each year this group is invited to help with a build week, to see first-hand how their gift is being put to use in the community.

“It was a great week, so many Builder’s Circle members came out to build with us!," said Lan Freitag, Leadership Giving Officer at Twin Cities Habitat. "A handful of Builder's Circle members were doing this on top of their regular volunteer crew schedules. Some were lucky enough to build with Hassan (the homebuyer) and help raise all the exterior walls up on his family’s home.  He kept telling everyone how excited he was to build and he couldn’t wait to show his family the progress. It was a really special week!” 

Hassan_the_homebuyer_with_a_Habitat_volunteerThe home in Richfield has been matched to the Mohamed/Abukar family, who is currently working to complete the 11 homeowner training courses and 300-500 sweat equity hours required to purchase the home (Hassan Mohamed photographed right with a Builder's Circle volunteer) . Once the family of seven closes on the property later this year, they will begin making their monthly mortgage payments that will go toward the building of other Habitat homes. When asked about what they wanted to say to volunteers that would be working on their new home, the family shared this statement:

"[We feel] that Habitat volunteers are special people, and we want them to know that we appreciate their time!"

Homes like the one being built for the Mohamed/Abukar family require many helping hands and resources to be completed. Twin Cities Habitat needs donations from individuals like you to carry out our mission in the local community. Without these gifts, our homebuilding, home repair, mortgage foreclosure prevention and veterans programs would not be possible. Please consider making a gift today.

Interested in learning more about the Builder's Circle? Contact Blake MacKenzie at Blake.MacKenzie@tchabitat.org or 612-305-7183.

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