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2 min read

Carpenter’s Club Members Build the Foundation of Habitat

Carpenter’s Club Members Build the Foundation of Habitat

Ready_to_raise_a_wall_sqA little financial wisdom goes a long way, and one of the wisest pieces of wisdom is to develop a budget and live within it. For most people that means listing their expenses and subtracting them from their income to see how much is left over for savings, investing, vacations, etc. When you have a paycheck, it’s a fairly simple process. But when you’re a nonprofit, like Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, it’s not so simple.

Most of our income is based on corporate contributions and individual donations that can change month to month and year to year. We do set goals of how many homes we would like to build each year, and how many repair projects to do with A Brush With Kindness, but we have to adjust those goals every year depending on whether or not donations meet expectations. A regular paycheck would help.

The closest thing Habitat has to a regular paycheck are the people who have committed to make regular monthly online gifts. We call these sustaining donors our Carpenter’s Club members. Carpenter’s Club members can commit to as little as $10 or $20 per month which will add up to a significant gift within the first year.

capped_foundationThe more regular, monthly donors we have, the easier it is to plan our budgets and decide what we can build or repair. When you are building homes for families, being able to plan in advance means you know just how many families you can say yes to, and that’s pretty important.

We love our corporate donors and sponsors, and companies that match individual gifts. And we love everyone who donates when the spirit moves themwe couldn’t fulfill our mission without them. But our Carpenter’s Club members are a dependable foundation we can grow on.

Think of it this way: if 100 Carpenter’s Club members committed to $50 per month, within one year their gifts would be equal to the funding of a Cornerstone Sponsorship, half of the construction cost for a Habitat house. Just two or three Carpenter’s Club members committing to $50 per month can fund an entire ABWK project! And just one donor, committing to just $20 per month, can paint a home’s interior. That’s a lot of impact.

By joining today, your first year of giving will be matched thanks to an anonymous donor! Online hassle-free donations are made securely and automatically. Carpenter’s Club members not only become part of a group of individuals who make Habitat a priority, they also receive event discounts, ReStore coupons and online store discounts. Your monthly gift represents your investment in making the Twin Cities a great place to live and reduces mailing and processing costs, ensuring we can do the most with each dollar given!

There’s no such thing as a donation that is too small, especially when it is repeated monthly. Take a moment and think about how much of an impact you want to have on the life of a child or a family, then make a commitment and join the Carpenter’s Club today.

Carpenter's Club 

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